A series of photographs documents a performance on the streets of Massachusetts. The phenomenon of condensation in our exhalation—where water vapor becomes a visible residue on cooler surfaces—is emblematic of the artist's identity as a sign or symbol. The artist's breath celebrates the idea that creativity is not just about technical skills, but also about self-expression, imagination, and the ability to communicate something deeply personal and meaningful to others.
"How can we ever have believed that we saw with our eyes that we in fact grasp through an inspection of the mind; how is it that the world does not present itself to us perfectly explicit; why is it displayed only gradually and never ‘in its entirety? In short, how does it come about what we perceive? We shall understand this only if the empirical self and the body are not immediately objects, in fact only if they never quite become objects." Maurice Merleau-Ponty, The Phenomenology of Perception, p. 128/>