Victoria Sobre El Sol

A found mirror was used as a means of directing the intense sunlight onto Guatemala's Coat of Arms prominently displayed on the facade of three edifices situated in Guatemala City: Palacio de la Policía Nacional (Palace of the National Civil Police); Palacio de Comunicaciones (Palace of Communications); Palacio Nacional de la Cultura (National Palace of Culture). These structures were erected during the regime of Jorge Ubico Castañeda between 1931 and 1944, employing native laborers who were coerced into service under the Ley de Vagancia (Vagrancy Law), wherein they were mandated to work for the government without remuneration.

Year: 2017
Medium: Single-Channel Video, color, sound
Resolution: 16:9 Full HD, 1920 x 1080 px
Duration: 00:05:52, 30 fps
Direction: Jason Mena
Camera: Pablo López Monzón
Assistance: Jorge Linares, Marlov Barrios, Joss Pinto, MANIFESTO-espacio
Dimensions: Variable
Editions: 3 + A/P